Saint Mar Gregorios of Parumala stayed for a week in Bombay in February 1895 on His Grace’s way to
Jerusalem. This was a significant event and a forerunner of the shape of things to come.
At the turn of the century, lured by employment prospects and business opportunities, the
members of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Christians, began to migrate to Bombay.
As the members of the community increased, the necessity of a worshiping place and a priest to look
after the spiritual needs of the community was very much felt. As a result of
the initiative taken by some prominent members of the community, the Rev. Fr. Thomas
Kottathuvilla, the then vicar of the Orthodox Syrian Church, Allepey, visited Bombay and
celebrated Hoy Qurbana in St. Mary’s Church, Parel, on 23rd May 1943. A meeting was held on
that day at which an adhoc committee with Mr. P.M Mathew and Mr. K.M. Thathunny as Joint
Secretaries was set up to examine the possibility of a Parish in Bombay.

at Byculla YMCA under the Presidentship of His Grace Mar Thoma Dionysius at which the findings of the
adhoc committee were presented and a new committee with Mr. K.M. Philip, President, Mr. P. M.
Mathew, Secretary Mr. M.E. Cherian Joint. Secretary and Mr. V.K. Thomas, Treasurer was appointed.
Upon the request to His Holiness Moran Mar BaseliusGeevarghese II, the Catholicos of the
East, the late Rev. Fr. P. M. Philipose was appointed as the first Vicar of
the newly formed Parish by His Grace Alexios Mar Therdosius, O.I.C, the first Metropolitan of
the Parishes outside Kerala. Fr. Philipose arrived in Bombay on 26th May 1944 and celebrated Holy
Qurbana from Sunday the 28th May 1944 onwards at the St. Peter’s Church, Mazagaon, by the
generosity of the Bishop of Bombay and the Cowley Fathers. This arrangement continued till
our Church was built and consecrated on 9th December 1951. Fr. P. M. Philipose served and
organized the Parish on a token remuneration from 28th May 1944 to 1st April 1945. He
was succeeded by the late Rev. Ft. T.I. Joseph in May 1945. Since 1945 keeping in view of the
growth of the parish the General Body of the Parish at its meeting held on 7th January 1945
appointed a Church Building Committee for the Purpose with Late Mrs. Achamma John Mathai, as its
Chairperson, Mr. M.E. Cherian as its convener. Late Mr. T. Mathew was appointed as convener
in place of Mr. M. E. Cherian relinquishing his post on his transfer from Bombay. Mr.
T. Mathew deserves a special mention for the work he rendered to the Parish in various capacities
till he left for his eternal rest on 19th August 1979.

Mrs. Achamma John Mathai, Chairperson a fund raising drive was launched in the month of July 1945. The
Building committee then focused its attention to secure a suitable plot and through the efforts of
Mrs. Achamma John Mathai, the Bombay Municipal Corporation, agreed to give on lease a plot of land
at 171 Naigaum Estate, Dadar, Bombay. The Building Committee was registered under the Society’s
Registration Act in the name of The Orthodox Syrian Church Building Society on 2nd April 1947 as
the legal body.

December 1949 and it was completed in February 1950.Fr. T. I. Joseph moved to the newly built
parsonage. He was succeeded by Rev. Fr. T. G. Koshy, and under his inspiring leadership the
construction of the church building was started in 3rd May 1951 and the building was
completed in December 1951.The consecration of the St Mary’s Orthodox
Syrian Church was solemnized on Sunday the 9th of December 1951 by the late His Holiness
Moran Mar BaseliusGeevarghese II of the blessed memory, assisted by the late lamented His
Grace Mar Thoma Dionysius and a host of clergy. Distinguished personalities like the Governor of
Bombay, and a large gathering attended the holy ceremony. The event was a land mark in the
history of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Christians of Bombay.

members of the Parish decided to rebuild the Church. The Foundation stone for the new Church building
with adequate space for worship, Priest Quarters, A Free Charitable Dispensary and other social
activities was laid on Sunday 22nd April 1984 by our beloved Diocesan Metropolitan His Grace
TheophilusPhilipos, along with His Grace Geeverghese Mar Osthathios, Metropolitan of Niranam
Diocese. The construction of the building was prayerfully started under the inspiring and
mature leadership of Late Rev. Fr. C.C. Geevarghese, the Vicar and ably assisted
by Rev. Fr. PauloseAdai. The project received the blessings of His Holiness the Catholicos,
His Grace the Diocesan Metropolitan and the whole hearted support of all the Parish members, as
one entity.

diamond jubilee in the year 2009. On 18 Jan 2009 His Holiness Moran Mar BaseliusMarthomaDidymos I,
seventh Catholicos of the East in Malankara issued a kalpana elevating this historical first
Church of the Malankara Orthodox Christians of Mumbai to a Cathedral. The
BavaThirumeni’skalpana was read by H.G Geevarghese Mar Coorilos (Metropolitan, Bombay Diocese), in
the presence of H. G Paulose Mar Pachomios (Metropolitan, Mavelikara Diocese), H. G.
Zacharias Mar Theophilus ( Metropolitan, Malabar Diocese) during the Tri Mass celebrated on
the same day.

service) (2nd Sunday of every month 2nd service in English at 08:30 AM) Friday: 06.00 PM On Obligatory
days: 07.00 AM INTERCESSORY PRAYER Tuesday: 06.30 PM Evening Prayer & Intercessory Prayer to
St. Mary Friday: 05.30 PM Evening Prayer, Holy Qurbana and Intercessory Prayer to Parumala
Mar Gregorios.
Vicars of our Parish
Name | Period |
Rev. Fr. P. M. Philipose | 1944 - 1945 |
Rev. Fr. T. I. Joseph | 1945 - 1951 |
Rev. Fr. T. G. Koshy | 1951 - 1954 |
Rev. Fr. V. J. Gabriel | 1954 - 1956 |
Rev. Dr. P. C. Eapen | 1956 - 1957 |
Rev. Fr. K. G. Thomas | 1957 - 1958 |
Rev. Fr. V. C. George | 1958 - 1959 |
Rev. Fr. K. K. Punnose | 1959 - 1961 |
Rev. Fr. A. C. Koshy | 1962 - 1965 |
Rev. Fr. C. V. John | 1966 - 1974 |
Rev. Fr. K. A. George | 1974 - 1975 |
Rev. Fr. T. A. Jacob | 1975 - 1976 |
Rev. Fr. C. C Geevarghese | 1976 - 1987 |
Rev. Fr. T. C. Mathai | 1987 - 1989 |
Rev. Fr. P. M. Thomas | 1988 - 1990 |
Rev. Fr. M. T. Easow | 1991 - 1993 |
Rev. Fr. Mathew Abraham | 1994 - 1995 |
Rev. Fr. Koshy Plamoottil | 1995 - 1999 |
Rev. Fr. Kuriakose Thannikot | 1999 - 2002 |
Rev. Fr. Yaunan Mulamootil | 2002 - 2005 |
Rev. Fr. Thomas Kurian | June to October 2005 |
Rev. Fr. Koshy Alex | November 2005 to 2008 |
Rev. Fr. Jiji K. Thomas | 2009 - 2012 |
Rev. Fr. P.C. Thomas | 2012 - 2015 |
Rev. Fr. Thomas Myalil | 2015 - 2018 |
Rev. Fr. Scaria Varghese | 2018 - 2021 |
Rev. Fr. Jacob Thomas | 2021 - 2023 |
Rev. Fr. M. E. Thomas | 2023 - Current |
Asst. Vicars of our Parish
Name | Period |
Rev. Fr. M. T.Easow | 1959 - 1962 |
Rev. Fr. T. C. Mathai | 1962 - 1963 |
Rev. Fr. P. M. Mathews | 1963 - 1966 |
Rev. Fr. K. A. George | 1964 - 1965 |
Rev. Fr. M. K. Mathai | 1966 - 1970 |
Rev. Fr. O. V. Elias | 1966 - 1970 |
Rev Fr. V. M. Kuriakose | 1968 - 1970 |
Rev. Fr. C. J. George | 1969 - 1970 |
Rev. Fr. K. C. Mathew | 1970 - 1977 |
Rev. Fr. C. J. Punnoose | 1970 - 1974 |
Rev. Fr. Abraham Iype Mangat | 1970 - 1977 |
Rev. Fr. A. M. Job | 1970 - 1972 |
Rev. Fr. George Panakamattom | 1972 - 1976 |
Rev. Fr. Joseph Mankidi | 1977 - 1978 |
Rev. Fr. M. J. Yaunan | 1977 - 1984 |
Rev. Fr. C. M. Philipose | 1978 - 1980 |
Rev. Fr. T. P. Mathew | 1977 - 1980 |
Rev. Fr. Paulose Adai | 1980 - 1988 |
Rev. Fr. P. J. James | 1988 - 1989 |
Rev. Fr. K. P. Philip | 1988 - 1989 |
Rev. Fr. Koshy Alex | 1989 - 1993 |
Rev. Fr. M. S. Geevarghese | 1994 - 1998 |
Rev. Fr. Varghese Yohannan | 1998 – 2001 |
Rev. Fr. Mathew Thannimoottil | 2001 - 2004 |
Rev. Fr. Scaria Varghese | 2004 - 2007 |
Rev. Fr. Joshua Abraham | 2007 – 2010 |
Rev. Fr. Koshy George | 2010 - 2013 |
Rev. Fr. Kurien Baby | 2013 - 2016 |
Rev. Fr. Basil Kuriakose | 2016 - 2020 |
Rev. Fr. Jubin Thomas | 2020 - Present |